At, your trust is our top priority. We are dedicated to making sure every purchase meets your expectations. This policy explains how we handle returns and refunds, ensuring clear and trustworthy transactions.


Refund and Return Policy Duration Our refund and return policy is valid for 3 days from the date of purchase. If more than three days have passed since your purchase, we cannot offer a full refund or exchange.

When Can You Get a Refund?

  1. Item Not as Described
    • If the product you receive is different from what was shown on the sale page or doesn’t match the description, we will refund your money.
  2. Course Issues
    • If you experience problems with the course, such as videos not working, no sound, or blurry images, you can request a refund.
  3. Unfulfilled Support
    • If we promised support for your item but did not provide it, you are eligible for a refund.
  4. Unused Support Extensions
    • If you paid for additional help that you didn’t use, or if we cannot fulfill your order, let us know, and we will refund your money.

Note: Before purchasing, you can ask for a sample file to ensure you understand what you are buying.

How to Request a Refund at Loadcourse

  1. Start the Process
    • If you have an issue that meets our refund conditions, email us at [email protected] with the details. After we verify your claim, we will begin the refund process.
  2. Processing Time
    • Refunds are usually processed within 1-2 days after we verify your claim. The refund will be credited to your original payment method.
  3. Stay Informed
    • We will keep you updated from the time you raise a concern until the refund is complete.

If Your Refund is Late or Missing

  • Check Your Account: First, review your bank account again.
  • Contact Your Credit Card Company: It may take some time for the refund to appear.
  • Reach Out to Your Bank: Sometimes, banks need additional processing time.
  • Still No Refund? If you have done all the above and still haven’t received your refund, please contact us at [email protected].

Shipping Returns

  • No Return Needed: You do not need to return items after a refund. You can keep the item for free.

Refund Options: Choose What’s Best for You

When there is an issue with a product, we offer flexible solutions to make it right:

  1. Full Refund
    • If you prefer, we will give you a 100% refund to your original payment method without any deductions or hassles.
  2. Store Credit
    • Alternatively, you can choose store credit. We will add the full amount you spent to your account, which you can use anytime to purchase other courses or products on our platform.
  3. Partial Course Issues
    • Sometimes, only part of a course may have issues while the rest remains valuable. If you are satisfied with most of the course, we offer a special solution:
      • Special Discount: We will provide a discount code ranging from 30% to 50% for any future purchase on, allowing you to explore more courses at a lower price.

Whether you choose a full refund, store credit, or a special discount, we are committed to ensuring you receive the best value and experience from

Need Help?

If you have any questions about refunds and returns, please contact us at [email protected]. We are here to help!